Selected correspondence relating to the Panama-California Exposition from
The Olmsted Papers and Records collection at the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress
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1910/09/19 Letter from George W. Marston/H.M Kutchin, corresponding secy, to Olmsted Brothers City has undertaken plans for exposition; we invite you to submit proposals and suggestions, with a view to accepting an engagement
1910/09/26 Letter from (Dawson?) to John C. Olmsted received letter from the Panama-California Exposition Company; lists various proposals outstanding; I have just talked this over with your brother
1910/09/29 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Dawson received your letter of the 26th; change the enclosed draft in any way you see fit
1910/10/01 Letter from John C. Olmsted to H.M Kutchin, corresponding secy for George W. Marston our proposition for professional services
1910/10/14 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston can start at once; trip will take 8 days account stop offs; must charge $500 plus expenses for preliminary visit without plan
1910/10/16 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston “Septic finger turned dangerous…cannot safely leave for 10 days…Dawson…can reach San Diego thirty first”
1910/11/14 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. to John C. Olmsted irrigation and use of water; “good thing if you could get Goodhue in as architect”
1910/10/15 Telegram from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted “Proposition accepted 500 and expenses. Wire date arrival here”
1910/11/19 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted possible hires: Koehler, Rementer working at A.Y.P. (Alaska, Yukon, Pacific Exposition), Tompson, Fohn of Colorado Springs, Thatcher, Macomber, Blossom, Cook, Thatcher, Schiffers
1910/11/24 Handwritten letter from John C. Olmsted to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. plans for exposition, plazas, tile roofs, emergency reservoir, Spanish Bridge, Pueblo, Cliff Dwellers, native tepees and costumes, Aztec ruins, shall try to get most built next year
1910/11/25 Letter from Wilbur David Cook, Jr., to John C. Olmsted Brothers gave the secretary of the board your figures
1910/11/25 Letter of receipt from Wilbur David Cook, Jr., to Olmsted Brothers for $34.30 for prel. estimate for San Diego Exposition, 10 hours plus travel expenses
1910/11/26 Panama-California Exposition Description of Preliminary Plan 7 page document, unattributed
1910/12/01 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. to John C. Olmsted Spanish Bridge, Spanish Garden, Kate Sessions, buildings, tile roofs, hand-written note “Why Greek, the Theater?”
1910/12/12 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted to Roland C. Dixon southwestern Indian villages, cliff-dwelling pueblos, skirmishing for ideas
1910/12/23 (received) Drawing “First United States Port from Panama Canal on Pacific Ocean/ Exposition Grounds Overlooking City and Harbor of San Diego”
1910/12/13 Letter from ? to B.I. Gilman please send copy of your report on lighting the picture galleries to John C Olmsted in San Diego
1910/12/13 Letter from ? to R. Clipston Sturgis please send your report on schoolhouse plans to John C Olmsted in San Diego
1910/12/15 Letter from Roland C. Dixon to (Frederick Law) Olmsted Charles F Lummis, J.W. Fewkes, pueblo people, cliff-dwelling sites
1910/12/19 Letter from Harold Blossom to Roland C. Dixon can you dine with Frederick L Olmsted at the Colonial Club?
1910/12/17 Handwritten letter from John C. Olmsted to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. Baxter, Dixxon, Pueblo and Cliff Dwellers, New Mexico, Arizona, Russell C. Allen, Dawson
1910/12/19 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. to John C. Olmsted Goodhue interested; machine a the cement show; Dixon , Baxter
1910/12/19 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. Panama Hotel; Spanish Colonial architecture
1910/12/21 Letter from (Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.) to Bertram G. Goodhue architects of Panama hotel; awaiting reply from my brother in San Diego
1910/12/21 Panama-California Exposition First Recapitulation 13 page document, projected costs
1910/12/22 Panama-California Exposition Summary of Revised Estimate 14 page document, projected costs
1910/12/24 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. to John C. Olmsted sorry to hear there is “No show for Goodhue”; Baxter writes that Henry Peabody of Pasadena was photographer for his book
1910/12/24 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. to Bertram G. Goodhue my brother wires “No show for Goodhue”
1910/12/25-26 Handwritten notes by John C. Olmsted? projected costs of exposition
1910/12/28 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. “grieved by your brother’s telegram…I suppose it means they have got some incapable local talent for the job”
1911/01/04 Handwritten postcard with aerial photo showing site of the exposition; unaddressed, written by John C. Olmsted locations for Spanish bridge and Spanish garden
1911/01/04 Letter from John C. Olmsted to “Rick” (Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.) Goodhue being considered, Frank Allen’s terms, Gill, Marston, Myron H. Hunt supports Goodhue, Dawson, “they are all convinced the Gill is a better designer in Spanish Mission style than anyone else”
1911/01/04 Letter from Olmsted office Bertram G. Goodhue telegram from John C. Olmsted “May get Goodhue employed”; meet Olmsted in San Diego
1911/01/09 Letter from Harold Blossom to Celadon Terra Cotta Co. send catalog Spanish roofing tiles
1911/01/09 Letter from Harold Blossom? to James F. Dawson Spanish roofing tiles
1911/01/13 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. which train are you taking?; Bishop of Los Angeles devoted to Irving Gill; Panama; proposed federal building (post office?) in Santa Barbara
1911/01/20 List of names adopted Jan 20, 1911 names of planned exposition places and structures
1911/01/20 List of names adopted Jan 20, 1911 copy received by Olmsted Brothers, same as above annotated with checks indicating “on plan No 16” and Xs, indicating “not on plan No 16”
1911/01/26 Letter from architect C. Howard Walker to John C. Olmsted looking for work on exposition
1911/01/31 Letter from Olmsted Brothers to John McLaren request for cuttings and seed in Golden Gate Park
1911/01/31 Letter from J. Glidden (Glidden Varnish Co.) to Olmsted Brothers liquid cement
1911/02/01 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to Olmsted Brothers on early Panama-California Exposition stationery John C. Olmsted’s article; copy to Goodhue; Panama-California Exposition stationery
1911/02/02 Letter from John W Duncan (Spokane Park Commission) to James Frederick Dawson Gibbon, payroll, time cards
1911/02/02 Letter from John C. Olmsted to C. Howard Walker Goodhue, Gill, Spanish Colonial architecture, Sylvester Baxter book, Myron Hunt, Frank Allen
1911/02/03 Handwritten letter from Frederick L. Olmsted, Jr. to James F. Dawson moving palms, Santa Barbara, White, Wilson
1911/02/04 (received) Handwritten letter from Frederick L. Olmsted, Jr. to James F. Dawson suggested tree-moving experiments
1911/02/21 Letter from Olmsted Brothers to Thomas O’Hallaran Marston, Coronado Nursery stock, Warner, Coronado Beach Co.
1911/02/21 Letter from Olmsted office? to Isaac Hicks and son Tree movers, Dawson
1911/03/07 Letter from Frederick L. Olmsted, Jr. to Guy Lowell Art Building to be erected for exposition, lighting and floor plan of new museum (in Boston?)
1911/03/07 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom Rust nursery in Pasadena, lathhouse plans, plants, cuttings
1911/03/12 Handwritten letter from James Cumming to James F. Dawson Frank Allen; Householder fired; plants, propagation, William, Coronado nursery, Blossom
1911/03/16 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to James F. Dawson Olmsted, Frank Allen, Frank Sessions, Cumming, Miss Lee, Goodhue, Hussey, Beyer, Russell Allen, nursery, lath greenhouse, gardener’s cottage
1911/03/18 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to James F. Dawson Frank Allen, Frank Sessions, Cumming, Thiene, Donald
1911/03/16 Handwritten letter from John C. Olmsted to James F. Dawson Thompson, Cumming’s failure, Frank Allen, Frank Sessions, Donald, Blossom, Goodhue
1911/03/20 Telegram from James F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted Thompson, Rementer, Blossom
1911/03/20 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to John C. Olmsted colossal statue of Balboa; Frank Allen; Winslow ready to go to San Diego
1911/03/21 Letter from James F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted Thompson, Rementer, Cumming problems, nursery, plants
1911/03/21 Letter from James F. Dawson to James Cumming propagation, cuttings, send weekly report
1911/03/23 Letter from John McLaren (superintendent of Golden Gate Park in San Francisco) to James F. Dawson seeds and cuttings
1911/03/23 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom Olmsted, Sessions, Cumming, Fohn, Thorne
1911/03/24 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom Bing, Olmsted, Thompson, Sharman, Dall, Sessions, Cumming, Koehler, nursery, bookkeeping
1911/03/31 Letter from James F. Dawson? to Harold H. Blossom treehouse
1911/04/01 Letter from James F. Dawson to Carl U. Fohn Bromley, Cumming’s poor performance, Olmsted, Blossom
1911/04/01 Handwritten bill from M.A. Graham Mill Co. to Harold H. Blossom/ Olmsted Bros.
1911/04/05 Handwritten letter from Carl? to Fred (Olmsted?) Jim Cumming, Bromley,
1911/04/13 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom Miss Sessions palms, Seaforthia elegans, Washingtonias, E.H. Everett, Watsonias, Santa Barbara Nursery Co.
1911/04/13 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom Davonport’s Palms, Rementer, Donald, Koehler, Hoover, Richardson, Thomas Smith & Sons Stranraer, Scotland, lath greenhouse, Frank Allen
1911/04/19 Letter from Blossom? to James F. Dawson Gill houses, Harper, Olmsted, Goodhue, Watson
1911/04/20 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom McGoodwin, Harper, Bunn, pots, heater
1911/04/20 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom asparagus plumosa, seaforthia elegans
1911/04/25 Letter from F. W. Bird and Son to James F. Dawson flower pots
1911/04/26 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom pots, Bird and Co., giant bamboo
1911/04/26 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom Gill’s houses, Harper, Donald, Davenport, plants and pots
1911/05/08 Letter from Blossom? to James F. Dawson Olmsted, Gill, Dieterich, Laurie Cox, heater bill
1911/05/08 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom heater
1911/05/09 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom Donald propagating cuttings; hiring assistant to Donald; Miss Sessions’ palms
1911/05/16 Letter from (Harold H. Blossom?) to James F. Dawson plants; Miss Sessions’ Phoenix; Coronado nursery;
1911/undated Letter from John C. Olmsted to Bertram Goodhue detailed description of Olmsted’s preliminary plan No. 3
1911/05/18 Handwritten note on reasons for Allen’s plan southern site view of cheap buildings, ugly high school
1911/05/18 Handwritten figures on bridge and buildings for Allen’s plan appears to be from Olmsted
1911/05/16 Handwritten figures on cut and fill for Plan #3 appears to be from Olmsted
1911/05/18 General estimate Plan #3 appears to be from Olmsted
1911/05/18 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to James F. Dawson plants and nurseries
1911/05/25 Letter from Bertram Goodhue to John C. Olmsted working on 2 plans; believes Allen’s central site more economical; Collier, Winslow; electric railway
1911/05/26 Letter from Bertram Goodhue to John C. Olmsted blueprints of Plans E (southern site) and F (central mesa); Goodhue says central site better
1911/undated Comparison of costs of Plan #3, Plan E, Plan F
1911/06/02 Handwritten notes re Plan E received 1911/05/31; “copy sent to Blossom, Dawson”
1911/06/02 Typed version of handwritten notes re Plan E received 1911/05/31;
1911/06/02 Handwritten letter from John C. Olmsted to Clark Braley, President Park Commission Blossom can explain plans; bridges, stadium
1911/06/02 Letter from (Harold H. Blossom?) to James F. Dawson plants; Exposition Company has paid none of its bills to local nurserymen; Olmsted, Frank Allen
1911/06/02 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Bertram Goodhue exposition practically bankrupt; two sites; electric railway; union labor; Park Commission vs Exposition board; Mayor (Wadham); Sefton; Collier, Frank Allen, Gill
1911/06/03 Letter from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston Frank “Allen’s proposed (central) site; Munroe, Collier, Sefton, Braley, McKinnon, Gould, electric railway; I do wish you could devise some way of making Allen and Goodhue “shut up;” requests the two resolutions below, which are almost exactly Olmsted’s words
1911/undated Resolutions (2) of the (Building and Grounds) Committee Frank Allen to cease promoting central site and Goodhue not to show plans for central site to anyone
1911/06/06 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Julius Wangenheim
1911/06/20 Agreement between Board of Park Commissioners and Panama-California Exposition corporation
1911/06/09 Letter from Bertram Goodhue to John C. Olmsted 2 plans, Frank Allen, Gill, new park board
1911/06/12 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to Irving J. Gill Exposition plan will probably not be ready for conference with you
1911/06/13 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Bertram Goodhue “I will defer comment on your plan for the exposition site in the middle of the park because I hope that site will not be adopted”; Frank Allen, Marston, Collier, Gill; most of the 8 pages about southern site
1911/06/14 Telegram from Irving J. Gill to J.C. Olmstead cannot reach Chicago before June 20
1911/06/14 Handwritten letter from Harold H. Blossom to Miss Bullard Olmsted, Gill , Dawson, Goodhue, Frank Allen
1911/06/14 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom
1911/06/14 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom (re-typed copy of above)
1911/06/19 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to Fred (Frederick Law Olmsted)
1911/06/17 Letter from John C. Olmsted to James F. Dawson Exposition directors may resign; Braly, Wadham
1911/06/23 Telegram from James F. Dawson to Clark Braley, pres Board Park Commission
1911/06/23 Telegram from James F. Dawson to Frank P. Allen please support southern site
1911/06/23 Telegram from James F. Dawson to George W. Marston keep exposition at the southern site
1911/06/23 Telegram from James F. Dawson to Russell Allen keep exposition at the southern site
1911/06/23 Telegram from James F. Dawson to Kate Sessions
1911/06/23 Telegram from James F. Dawson to Mr. (John C.) Olmsted
1911/06/23 Letter from James F. Dawson to Harold H. Blossom
1911/06/24 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston
1911/06/24 Letter from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted “We are now fighting for the very existence of the exposition”;Frank Allen, Collier, Wadham, Braly
1911/06/24 Letter from Frank P. Allen, Jr. to John C. Olmsted “all troubles settled in favor of exposition”; “Building committee and Park Board wish to settle site question immediately and want you here”; Goodhue, Collier
1911/06/24 Telegram from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted
1911/06/24 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Bertram Goodhue
1911/06/26 Telegram from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted
1911/06/26 Letter from Frank P. Allen, Jr. to John C. Olmsted
1911/06/27 Telegram from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted
1911/06/27 Letter from John C. Olmsted to James Frederick Dawson
1911/06/28 Letter from John C. Olmsted? to Olmsted Brothers
1911/06/29 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Frank P. Allen, Jr.
1911/06/29 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Blossom
1911/06/30 Letter from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston
1911/06/30 Letter from John C. Olmsted to James Frederick Dawson
1911/06/30 Letter from John C. Olmsted to James Frederick Dawson
1911/06/30 Letter from Bertram Goodhue to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/01 Telegram from D.C. Collier to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/05 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston
1911/07/07 Letter from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston 13 pages
1911/07/07 Handwritten letter from John C. Olmsted to H. H. Blossom
1911/07/07 Telegram from J. F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted “special meeting this morning Marston, Wangenheim, Allen and self. They finally told Allen they would oppose our site”
1911/07/07 Telegram from J. F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/08 Telegram from G. W. Marston John C. Olmsted Think committee will be unanimous for south site
1911/07/10 Telegram from J. F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/14 Letter from John C. Olmsted to James F. Dawson
1911/07/15 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to Mr. (John C.) Olmsted
1911/07/18 Letter from Frank P. Allen, Jr. to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/20 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to Mr. (John C.) Olmsted
1911/07/26 Date stamped (upon receipt?) Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/20 Handwritten letter from John C. Olmsted to James F. Dawson
1911/07/20 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to James F. Dawson
1911/07/21 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Bertram G. Goodhue
1911/07/22 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/25 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to Bertram Goodhue
1911/07/26 Letter from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/26 Letter from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted
1911/07/27 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to James F. Dawson
1911/05/18 Plan #3 estimate of expenses to create and maintain Exposition, about $2 million
1911/07/10 Typewritten note Building and Grounds Committee unanimously recommend Olmsted site; Judge Luce, O’Hallaran
1911/07/27 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to John C. Olmsted P.S. (pages 9-12)
1911/07/28 Telegram from J.F. Dawson (typed copy) to J. C. Olmsted Monday meeting, plans will be presented; will demand that both plans be sent to you
1911/07/28 Telegram from J.F. Dawson (hand-written) to J. C. Olmsted Monday meeting, plans will be presented; will demand that both plans be sent to you
1911/07/29 Letter from R.R. Snowden to Olmsted Brothers soil sample results and recommendations
1911/07/31 Minutes of the Building and Grounds Committee unanimously recommend Olmsted site, plan 53-C; G.W. Marston, R.C. Allen, Thomas O’Hallaran, J.W·Sefton, Jr., Judge M.A.Luce, Julius Wangenheim and F.J. Belcher, Jr; also Goodhue, Frank Allen, James F. Dawson, C.A. Richardson and Winfield Hogaboom
1911/August? Comparison of three plans; areas of buildings; Goodhue & Olmsted (53-C), Olmsted 53-B, Goodhue’s G central site
1911/08/01 Handwritten, 13-page letter from James Frederick Dawson to John C. Olmsted “Allen became nasty,” Goodhue, Marston, Sefton, plan 53-C, Wangnheim, money,
1911/08/01 Letter from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston Dawson, Wangenheim, preliminary plan #3
1911/08/03 Letter from John C. Olmsted to James Frederick Dawson changes in plans; Allen, Goodhue
1911/08/03 Letter from Bertram Goodhue to John C Olmsted Frank Allen and Dawson read your confidential letter; offers resignation; Winslow, Gill
1911/08/04 Handwritten letter from James F. Dawson to John C Olmsted delays in payments; Marston, Allen, Sefton re south site
1911/08/08 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston approve plan 53-C with modifications
1911/08/08 Letter from John C Olmsted to George Marston approve plan 53-C with modifications
1911/08/08 Hand-written letter from Harold Hill Blossom to John C Olmsted Frank Allen interfering
1911/08/09 Letter from Julius Wangenheim to John C. Olmsted Dawson; improvements on western portion; roads discontinued
1911/08/09 Letter from John C Olmsted to George Marston
1911/08/09 Letter from R.R. Snowden to Olmsted Brothers
1911/08/09 Hand-written letter from Harold Hill Blossom to John C Olmsted
1911/08/10 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Harold H. Blossom plans for revision of west drive; Juniper St. and Maple St. entrances
1911/08/10 Telegram from John C Olmsted to Harold H. Blossom plans presented to Park Commission
with design of the park work; Wangenheim, Burnham; “Mr Marston told me that the site question was all upset again and a serious shake up may come”
1911/08/10 Letter from John C Olmsted to Bertram G. Goodhue 12 pages; apology, critique, suggestions
1911/08/11 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Harold H. Blossom “revised plan for west side drive is finished in pencil”; plan 53-C; Spanish Bridge; whiting
1911/08/12 Telegram from Harold Hill Blossom to John C. Olmsted “please send sketches” for west side drive and 6th St extension
1911/08/15 Letter from John C Olmsted to Harold Hill Blossom issues with Frank Allen; Wangenheim, Marston, entrances from 6th Street, West (now Balboa) Drive, planting Cabrillo Canyon
1911/08/14 Letter from R.R. Snowden to Olmsted Brothers soil amendment
1911/08/15 Letter from John C Olmsted to Julius Wangenheim revised Olmsted Plan
1911/08/16 Letter from John C Olmsted to Bertram G. Goodhue several suggestions for new plan 53-D
1911/08/20 Hand-written letter from Bertram Goodhue to John C Olmsted “ever since you told me that you regarded buildings no matter how well composed a disfigurement” “the difference in our points of view was so great as to be irreconcilable”; another sketch plan
1911/08/22 Letter from John C Olmsted? to Harold H. Blossom
1911/08/25 Letter from ? to John C. Olmsted exposition site, Marston, Wangenheim, Russell Allen, Goodhue, Frank Allen, no money for bridges
1911/08/25 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Harold H. Blossom Riverside Park, Balboa Park, plan for west drive, Juniper St., Maple St, Quince St entrances
1911/08/25 List of work done (by whom?) in Balboa Park and work proposed with costs perhaps an enclosure with letter
1911/08/26 Letter from Harold Hill Blossom to John C. Olmsted Park Board meeting yesterday; Wangenheim, Belcher, Frank Allen, grading plan for west drive, planting plans, Palm Canyon
1911/08/28 Telegram from James F. Dawson to Harold Hill Blossom Marston, two bridges
1911/08/28 Handwritten letter from Harold Hill Blossom to John C. Olmsted “lost letter” to Marston, Park Board, Building and Grounds Committee, Frank Allen, Sefton, Wangenheim, Luce, O’Halloran, Forward, Belcher, 6th St. extension
1911/08/29 Letter from Harold Hill Blossom to John C. Olmsted Exposition site, Russell Allen, O’Halloran, Forward, Belcher, Collier, Spreckels, Frank Allen, Goodhue
1911/08/30 Telegram from John C. Olmsted to Julius Wangenheim Exposition site, Belcher, Forward
1911/08/31 Letter from ? Olmsted to William Donald plant propagation problems
1911/08/31 Letter John C. Olmsted to Harold H. Blossom location of trolley line, Marston, Allen, Wangenheim
1911/08/31 Letter from Harold Hill Blossom to John C. Olmsted trolley line, Belcher, meeting of Building and Grounds Committee tomorrow “Marston says the question is settled already”
1911/09/01 Letter from John C. Olmsted to California Garden lathhouse
1911/09/01 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Harold H. Blossom bridges, roads, Allen, Goodhue, Gill, Marston, Wangenheim, Dawson, arcades, art museum
1911/09/01 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Harold H. Blossom nine pages re changes to Olmsted plans for southern site, no mention of resignation, Goodhue, Marston, Wangenheim, Allen, Belcher, Forward, art museum, water mains, more
1911/09/01 Telegram from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted Park Board decision on central site, Blossom, Luce, O’Halloran, Collier, Belcher, Forward, R.C. Allen, Goodhue
1911/09/01 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Julius Wangenheim stadium, bridges, art museum
1911/09/01 Letter from John C. Olmsted? to California Garden lathhouse
1911/09/01 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to John C. Olmsted decision on central site, bridge, Marston, O’Halloran, Wangenheim, Frank Allen, Russell Allen, Belcher, Collier, board meets today
1911/09/01 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to Olmsted Brothers Marston, Frank Allen, Russell Allen, Belcher, Collier, board meets today
1911/09/02 Letter from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted “beg you not to withdraw,” Luce, O’Hallaran, Wangenheim, R. C. Allen, Wilde, Blossom
1911/09/02 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Julius Wangenheim “we tender our resignation”
1911/09/02 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to George W. Marston “tender our resignation at once”
1911/09/02 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Harold H. Blossom “we have wired our resignation to Marston and Wangenheim”
1911/09/02 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to George W. Marston thanks for your support
1911/09/02 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Judge M.A. Luce your good judgement, “outrageous disfigurement of Balboa Park”
1911/09/02 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Thomas O’Halloran your support, “disfigurement of Balboa Park”, “we have tendered our resignation to day”
1911/09/02 Telegram from Julius Wangenheim to Olmsted Brothers regret decision, not tendering your resignation until your receive my letter
1911/09/02 Letter from Julius Wangenheim to Olmsted Brothers Marston support, “majority were in favor of central site, Collier, Sefton, resignation
1911/09/03 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Harold H. Blossom Wangenheim wires he withholds our resignation
1911/09/03 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to Olmsted Brothers palms, Marston, Donald, Thiene, Hussey, Rementer, Wangenheim, “remove all belongings from office”
1911/09/03 Telegram from Harold H. Blossom to James F. Dawson Donald resigns today, Hussey
1911/09/03 Telegram from James F. Dawson to Tarence Hussey “hold your jobs for the present”
1911/09/03 Telegram from D.C. Collier to Olmsted Brothers regret difference of opinion, hope you will reconsider
1911/09/04 Telegram from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr arrived with Winslow, Collier, “new site became unavoidable”
1911/09/04 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Julius Wangenheim gratified you did not support the central site, “pitiful disfigurement of the park”
1911/09/05 Letter from Olmsted Brothers to Harold H. Blossom bills and expenses
1911/09/05 Telegram from Harold H. Blossom to Olmsted Brothers bills, expenses
1911/09/05 Telegram from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., to Bertram G. Goodhue affirming resignation
1911/09/05 Telegram from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr to Bertram G. Goodhue nearly identical to above telegram
1911/09/05 Letter from Frank P. Allen Jr. to John C. Olmsted “my duty to the exposition,” AYP Exposition grounds beautiful
1911/09/06 Telegram from Frank P. Allen Jr. to John C. Olmsted don’t make decision until you get my letter
1911/09/06 Telegram from Harold H. Blossom to Olmsted Brothers Union publishes map of central site, Frank P. Allen, Jr.
1911/09/06 Letter from Harold H. Blossom to Olmsted Brothers bills, Park Board, politics, Allen’s contract for $80,000, Allen as “whole head and designer and builder,” Winslow, Collier, Sefton, Wangenheim, Goodhue,
1911/09/07 Telegram from Bertram Goodhue to John C. Olmsted location of permanent buildings, Blossom
1911/09/07 Telegram from Frank P. Allen Jr. to John C. Olmsted “Exposition needs you much more than the park does”
1911/09/08 Telegram from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., to Bertram G. Goodhue re-affirming resignation
1911/09/08 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Harold H. Blossom resignation, press, Wangenheim
1911/09/08 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Julius Wangenheim resignation, press
1911/09/08 Telegram from Olmsted Brothers to Julius Wangenheim resignation, can’t remain in any capacity
1911/09/08 Telegram from Harold Blossom to Olmsted Brothers resignation, Wangenheim, Belcher, Frank P. Allen
1911/09/08 or later San Diego Agreement and Bill, including date of Olmsted resignation Agreement dated 10th January, 1911, with handwritten notes by JCO? indicating $700 or $750 remaining to be paid.
1911/09/09 Telegram from Julius Wangenheim to Olmsted Brothers will publish resignation tomorrow
1911/09/11 Letter from Julius Wangenheim to Olmsted Brothers Sixth Street extension, Blossom
1911/09/11 Letter from Julius Wangenheim to Olmsted Brothers regret resignation, give us the plans
1911/09/14 Letter from Alfred D. Robinson to John C. Olmsted regret, Blossom, Dawson
1911/09/14 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. apology of sorts
1911/09/16 Letter from John C. Olmsted to George W. Marston final suggestions
1911/09/16 Letter from P. Riedel to Harold H. Blossom resignation, Riverside, Santa Barbara
1911/09/18 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Julius Wangenheim Sixth Street plans, Blossom
1911/09/18 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Julius Wangenheim Balboa Park plans outside exposition
1911/09/27 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., to Bertram Goodhue still friends?
1911/10/03 Letter from J. F.Dawson to Alfred D. Robinson reason for resignation
1911/10/06? Note of conversation between George W. Marston and Dawson Marston plans to resign, Mr. Pope of New York
1911/10/09 Letter from Helen W C Nielsen to Olmsted Brothers Collier, New Orleans, South America
1911/10/11 Letter from Samuel Parsons to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. resignation
1911/10/13 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. to Samuel Parsons resignation
1911/10/17 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. relieved
1911/10/19 Letter from Thomas O’Halloran to John C. Olmsted regret, Frank P. Allen, Jr.
1911/10/27 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Frank P. Allen, Jr. refusing offer to design
1911/10/27 Letter from Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr to Frank P. Allen, Jr. your gratitude and attitude
1912/01/05 Letter from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted regret
1912/02/06 Letter from Olmsted Brothers? to Julius Wangenheim Olmsted final bill
1912/02/15 Letter from Julius Wangenheim to Olmsted Brothers Olmsted final bill
1912/02/20 Letter from George W. Marston to John C. Olmsted Olmsted final bill
1912/02/28 Letter from Olmsted Brothers to Julius Wangenheim Olmsted final bill
1912/02/28 Letter from James Dawson to John C. Olmsted Olmsted final bill, Wangenheim, Marston, Allen
1913/03/06 Letter from Frederick Gordon Lyle to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr.
1913/03/17 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Frederick Gordon Lyle Balboa Park’s future
1915/05/21 Article by C. Matlack Price in the Architectural Record which re-ignited controversy over who designed the “temporary buildings.” Allen had elsewhere claimed for himself the design of many Exposition buildings designed by Carleton Winslow. [this is not from the Olmsted Bros. Papers— several letters and telegrams below refer to it.]
1915/03/29 Letter from Frank P. Allen, Jr. to Bertram G. Goodhue re Architectural Record article
1915/04/14 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frank P. Allen, Jr. re Architectural Record article
1915/04/15 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. re Architectural Record article
1915/04/29 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Carleton M. Winslow re Frank P. Allen, Jr. and Clarence Stein
1915/04/30 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to John C. Olmsted re Architectural Record article, Frank P. Allen, Jr.
1915/05/17 Telegram from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. re Architectural Record article, Frank P. Allen, Jr.
1915/05/18 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Bertram G. Goodhue re Frank P. Allen, Jr.
1915/05/18 Letter from John C. Olmsted to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. re Goodhue’s Architectural Record article, Frank P. Allen, Jr.
1915/05/21 Letter from Bertram G. Goodhue to Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. re Architectural Record article, Frank P. Allen, Jr.